How to choose the right earrings according to face shape

Publish date: written by Sara
How to choose the right earrings according to face shape - tips & advise for online shoopping

Earrings are the most unique piece of jewelry, they add a lot of liveliness and elegance to your look, and they focus on your face to make it more attractive, so these complements should be chosen wisely, especially with the countless designs in the Oman markets, where the understanding of The structure of the face shape will guide you to the appropriate earring to enhance the features of your attractive look. Although earrings take up a small area of ​​your look, they play a major role in creating a natural integration of the beauty of your face.

What types of earrings are suitable for your face shape?

Earrings suitable for square face shape

A square face is one in which the width of the jawbones, cheekbones, and forehead is approximately equal, resulting in a square shape, so if you want to achieve a natural balance on the shape of your face, you should choose earrings with a round design, or large hoop earrings, as they will be a great choice because they will help you smoothen Beautifully angles your face, defines and accentuates your jawline, which will draw attention to your earrings.

Earrings suitable for a round face shape

Round faces are characterized by being wide at the cheeks and narrow towards the top and bottom of the head, but they generally take a circular shape, so they are suitable for dangling earrings or with a teardrop design, as they make the shape of the face appear more harmonious and beautiful, and it also helps to elongate the face and give it a slimmer appearance. In addition, earrings with a long design will also be a suitable option. However, it is worth mentioning here the need to avoid wearing small earrings or hoop earrings, because they will give the round face a greater width.

Earrings suitable for heart face shape

The heart shape takes on a forehead that is wider than the cheekbones, while the lower half of the face gradually narrows towards the chin. Or a teardrop, it creates a beautiful balance to the shape of the face and draws attention to the eyes, jawline and cheekbones.

Earrings suitable for oval face shape

Women with an oval face are the most fortunate in choosing earrings, as they can wear almost all earring designs. Down to get a round chin, pearl and diamond earrings are very suitable for an oval face, and oval and teardrop earrings with a triangular design will complement the natural contour of the face and draw attention to high cheeks.

Earrings suitable for diamond's face shape

If you have wide cheekbones and a narrower forehead and chin, then you are most likely the owner of a diamond face, as the earrings closest to the width than the length will be in harmony with the shape of your face, and earrings with straight dangling threads or teardrops are also suitable for you, as they will highlight your natural beauty and help you On balancing the corners of the face.

How to choose earrings according to the shape of face

Secrets to get the most beautiful earrings based on the shape of the face - tips and news of online shopping in Oman

How to choose earrings according to the shape of face

Secrets to get the most beautiful earrings based on the shape of the face - tips and news of online shopping in Oman